Mullet Pope?

So far I like Pope Francis. He's replaced the ornate golden Pope throne with a simply wooden chair. He drives around in a beat up old hoopti. He decries the impact of contemporary capitalism on the lives of those it exploits. But what if he is a Mullet Pope? As the classic description of a mullet goes: "Business in front; party in the back." What if he just plays the humble role as a PR move? What if the golden Pope throne has just been moved to his private quarters, where he can sit with a glass of holy wine and his XBox controller? I doubt it and I sincerely hope not, but my ever suspicious nature won't let me rest comfortably.


I believe that he differs from the former conservative pope benedict and that his actions are sincere. Nevertheless it would be interesting to analyze in how far Greg Burke, the former FOX news reporter who is now the main PR guy behind the scenes, changed the PR policies of the vatican.
Unfortunately not too many articles with a deeper analysis available on this issue ( , )  

As much as it was important to have the new pope who sincerely rejects the pomp of the past, it is also about the way he is presented by the new efficient PR machine.