[The following is a draft of a piece on "Korean culture" for the Dongguk Post. Since tomorrow is Mother's Day in the US, I thought I'd post it here today.]
My family is fortunate to live in an apartment complex with underground parking that has allowed for a variety of playgrounds and play spaces to be built at ground level. Though these spaces are barren during the cold winter months, with spring the playgrounds have blossomed with squeals of swing set delight, tussles over bicycles, and the general ruckus of play. And along with the children come the parents.
Due to the perpetuation of gender roles and the long working hours demanded of working fathers, most of the parents one encounters on the playground are the children's mothers. There is, of course, a smattering of grandmothers and grandfathers adn on Sundays a number of fathers, most of whom spend their time watching sports or dramas on their phones while their children run around and occasionally try to get their attention.